What to Expect from Counseling in Spokane

I know not everyone will agree, but I love Eastern Washington, especially Spokane! It’s a big enough city to have plenty of funky stores and yummy restaurants, and yet is surrounded by amazing outdoor opportunities. There are also a ton of options when it comes to counseling in Spokane which is great, but can a little overwhelming.

Two women of color sitting on a couch talking about counseling in Spokane.

It’s scary enough to realize that counseling might be helpful. Even scarier to start the process of finding a counselor. Let’s see if I can help.

So, you found a few counselors in Spokane that seem nice enough. You probably have a ton of questions - that is completely normal.

In order to clear out some of the unknowns, below I walk through the first few interactions with a new counselor in Spokane. From the initial consultation call through your first appointment.

I do want to emphasize that each counselor is going to do things a bit different, so you may have a completely different experience with a different counselor. A big piece to know is that while counseling isn’t an easy process, it should be a pleasant experience that leaves you feeling more hopeful.

What to expect from your consultation call with a counselor in Spokane.

Research continues to demonstrate that one of the biggest indicators of whether or not someone reaches their goal in counseling is the fit between the counselor and the client. In order to assess for fit, any counselors in Spokane offer free consultations either via video, telephone or in-person.

A man talking on a cell phone, doing a telephone consultation for counseling in Spokane.

Every counseling relationship with me starts with a 15-20 minute telephone consultation. During this time, I want to hear what is bringing you to counseling and about your goals for therapy. I will also share with you a few of the more logistical aspects of my practice (session frequency, fees, schedule) in order to make sure these things are also a good fit for you.

This is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Check out this post for some suggestions of questions to ask a counselor in a consultation call.

Preparing for your first counseling session.

You’ve determined it’s a good fit between you and the new counselor and scheduled your first counseling appointment. Now it’s time to hurry up and wait. Probably, the only task you will have before that first session is to complete the intake paperwork.

In my practice, these forms are sent to you electronically via the secure client portal. You will receive an email asking you to log into the client portal. After logging in, you’ll be walked through each of the intake forms.

Close up of the hands of people sitting across from each other at a table.

These forms include information about confidentiality and office policies that you’ll read through and electronically sign. There is also an intake questionnaire and a couple of surveys that ask about the symptoms you’ve experienced in the last few weeks.

This process does take 15-25 minutes to completed, but once it’s done - it’s done. I will review these forms before our first appointment which means we can spend that first session getting to know each other, getting clear about goals, and making a plan.

What to expect in the first counseling session in Spokane.

The first counseling session with me is a little different than follow-up sessions because it’s really the first chance for us to start getting to know each other. After a few formalities, I usually open the session with the question, “Where would you like to begin?” While I know I can’t know everything about you in that first 45-minute session, I do literally want to know everything about your entire life.

It sounds a little “woo-woo” but I encourage people to share whatever pops into their mind. The conversation can be chronological or topic driven, or even better if it’s all over the place. Again, whatever pops into your mind to share, is perfect.

Getting the most out of counseling.

Usually clients make progress toward their goals no matter how they show up for counseling. However, there does seem to be a few client characteristics and activities that propel people toward reaching their goals quicker. First, they attend appointments regularly. Weekly counseling sessions help to build the emotional safety that is required for psychological healing and growth. When sessions are less frequent, there can be a closing off of your more vulnerable parts. Sessions then become more of a ‘check-in’ and it can take longer for the deeper exploration required for lasting change.

A woman sitting at a desk writing in a journal after counseling in Spokane.

A willingness to verbalize internal thoughts and experiences is really helpful for building a collaborative working relationship. I see the counseling process as the two of us coming together to “build a better mouse trap.” We both have information and expertise that is vital to your progress.

Another helpful task is to take things outside of your head through journaling, taking notes or making lists. Our heads are usually messy places. Spending a few minutes between sessions allowing your thoughts and experiences to process outside of internal thinking can go a long way toward building insight and reaching goals.

Lastly, a system of practice → evaluate → practice more creates an ongoing loop of growth that is tailored to you. I wish that counseling worked different - that I could tell you what to do and how to do it, and everything would be fixed. While I do have techniques, strategies and ways to help you process, ultimately there will be some trial and error (aka practice) as you find what coping skills and systems work best for you.

Ready to start your journey towards happy+healthy?

Counseling isn’t just for chatting weekly, it is about reaching your goals and getting real support. I hope this helps you find the right counselor in Spokane who can help you reach your goals. You truly deserve support from someone who can deeply understand and help you.

If you have more questions or would like to see what counseling with me would be like, please fill out this form to request your free telephone consultation.

Rachel Baker, a counselor in Spokane, sitting in a chair with feet up wearing a blue shirt.

Rachel Baker is a Spokane, Washington-based psychotherapist, with over 20 years of experience helping overworked and overwhelmed professionals reduce anxiety and explore their use of substances.

Her goal is to connect individual client strengths and experiences with proven therapeutic techniques that increase skill and insight in order for people to create a life filled with peace+purpose.

If you are looking for individual therapy to address anxiety, addiction or trauma, and are located in Washington or Idaho, complete this form to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.


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