1 Minute Mindfulness

Here is a quick exercise to help you reduce anxiety by coming back to the present moment.

Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. Feel your belly fill with air.

As you exhale, release the tension in your face, let your tongue drop from the top of your mouth.

On your next deep in-breath, look around the room. Find an object that stands out to you. Pay attention to its color, texture, size and weight.

As you exhale, allow the tension to release from your neck, shoulders and arms.

Breathe in slowly as you listen to the sounds around you. Maybe you can hear cars driving outside, or a tv, or someone talking on the phone.

Continue gentle, deep breaths and remember: right here, right now, everything is ok.

Feeling anxious?


The Connection Between Anxiety and the Breath: How to Regain Control


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