Coping strategies for stress, anxiety & addiction.

Reduce Anxiety by Embracing Mediocracy
balance Rachel Baker balance Rachel Baker

Reduce Anxiety by Embracing Mediocracy

As a highly capable individual who is quick to achieve, you’ve been inundated from a young age with messages about your potential and excelling to peak performance. Of course, encouragement in and of itself isn’t a bad thing! Or is it…?

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The Ham Story: Quit doing things that aren’t serving you
Rachel Baker Rachel Baker

The Ham Story: Quit doing things that aren’t serving you

Trying to do everything increases anxiety and makes us feel crappy about ourselves because we are constantly failing to meet the underlying expectation of perfection. So, if there isn’t enough time to do everything, we need to be choosy about what we are doing.

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Silent Meditation Retreat: DURING
Rachel Baker Rachel Baker

Silent Meditation Retreat: DURING

The day has finally come... My first silent mediation retreat is to begin in just a few hours! My friend picked me up from the airport and we went to lunch. I will be honest, I freaked myself out a bit and there were tears shed…

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You're not lazy. You need the tools to create DETERMINATION.
Rachel Baker Rachel Baker

You're not lazy. You need the tools to create DETERMINATION.

Do you find yourself saying, "I know what I need to do. I'm just too lazy to do it."  Maybe it's not laziness. There are skills we can practice in order to increase the likelihood that we'll follow through with the goals we set.  Read on to find out how...

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What Intention Will You Set for the Upcoming Year?
Rachel Baker Rachel Baker

What Intention Will You Set for the Upcoming Year?

With the new year upon us, many people are setting resolutions; however, resolutions often set us up to beat ourselves up when we don't reach the goal. A more strategic idea is to pick a word that will create intention for your year.

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